29-30 JUNE 2013
TOUR 3: prague bike´n´beer ©![]() Description: a guided tour with standard or electric bicycle through Prague green riverside and historic center to discover the techniques, the secrets and the flavors of traditional Czech beer. We pedal through the Jewish Quarter, Old Town Square, Letna park viewpoint and Prague Castle to admire St. Vitus Cathedral and Loreto church. We visit the traditional brewery of Strahov monastery built in 1140, with stunning views over the whole City, and taste its traditional beers. We discover the Břevnov monastery brewery and admire the baroque church founded in 993, then the star-shaped Hvězda renaissance villa and its lush forested park.
Price per person: € 80 (1 participant), € 50 (2 participants), € 40 (3 or more participants). Supplement for electric bicycle: € 5 Duration: 4 hours Departure time: 10 am and 2 pm, other timings are available upon clients´ requests and weather conditions. Departure point: Náměstí Republiky, Prague 1. Hotel pick-up or other departure point from Prague center upon agreement Timing: daily Monday to Sunday, from March to November. The tour includes: English-speaking guide, tasting of 2 high-quality beers, rental of quality bicycle with helmet, video and photo-reportage with HD action camera. For bookings and more details please contact us |
tour 4: pilsen QUEEN OF beers![]() Description: a guided tour to discover the city and the breweries of Pilsen, the heartland of Czech beers, that gave name to the most popular type of beer on the planet. We visit the Pilsner Urquell plant with its brewhouses from 3 different centuries, the Brewery Museum to breathe the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and discover the secrets and legends of beer production in an original house from the 15th century. Beer is still produced today in the brewery cellars following the traditional method: fermentation in open wooden kegs and maturation in oak-laying down barrels. The tour includes a tasting of this unfiltered and non-pasteurized nectar and a Pilsen city tour.
Price per person: € 140 (1 participant), € 80 (2 participants), € 50 (3 or 4 participants) Duration: 6 hours Departure time: 10 a.m. Other timings are available upon clients` requests and according to Pilsner Urquell plant visit timing. Departure point: Charles Bridge, Prague 1. Hotel pick-up or other departure point from Prague center upon agreement Timing: daily Monday to Sunday, all year round The tour includes: guided visit of Pilsner Urquell brewery and Beer Museum, English-speaking guide, tasting of 2 traditional beers, transportation by private car for the whole tour. For bookings and more details please contact us |
6 JUly 2013 paintball mayhem
Beer Spa in Prague center

- Relax in Bernard Beer Spa in Unesco-heritage building
- Health treatment & Bernard beer in unlimited amount
- Price: € 80 for 2 people, € 130 for 4 people
- Exclusive beer gift
5-15 FEBRUARY 2012: YOGA RETREAT in KOH CHANGUtečte zimní šedi a pojeďte s jógou za sluníčkem !Kromě krásné přírody, moře a sluníčka na vás čekají ranní a večerní jóga, meditace a kurz ayurvédské masáze vedený certifikovanou lektorkou jógy a masázní terapeutkou, Andreou Nilsen v českém a anglickém jazyce.
Ubytováni budete v pohodlných 2-lůžkových bungalovech v blízkosti moře a tropického přírodního parku. Ostrov nabízí pestrou šskálu dalsích aktivit, které lze z organizovat na místě: · Kurzy thajského vaření · Potápění, snorkeling · Vylety do dzungle nebo lodí · Projížzďku na slonech Cena 15.900 CZK zahrnuje · Denní kurz jógy a osobní konsultace · Kurz Ayurvédské masáze · Ubytování v krásnych 2-lůžkových bungalovech se snídaní · Transport zahrnující osobní minibus a lodní dopravu z letístě (Bangkok) do hotelu (doprava je garantována 5.2.2012) · Děti do 6 let: pobyt zdarma Cena nezahrnuje: · Letenku, letistní poplatek při odletu z Thajska, cestovní pojistění · Ostatní kurzy organizované na místě · Jídlo Počet mist je omezen, rezervace je možné provádět na: [email protected] Platební podmínky: Vase místo je rezervnováno po zaslání nevratné zálohy ve vysi 6.000 CZK na číslo účtu: 4137489001/5500 Jako variabilní symbol uveďte prosím vase telefonní číslo. Zbytek platby ve vysi je nutno uhradit do (). Při zrusení zájezdu vracíme platbu bez zálohy do (), po tomto datu je platba nevratná. |

- 2 giorni di corso e partner yoga con la terapista Andrea Nilsen
- Sede: Brno
- Prezzo: Euro 80; su richiesta trasporto da/per Praga e pernottameno in B&B in agriturismo 3*
10-11 November:
25 november 2012: "White Hell" PAINTBALL

- Paintball games in ex-army area equipped with bunkers and tanks, indoor & outdoor, to re-enact the action movie
- Price: Euro 40 including full equipment and 500 shots and 4WD drives
- Transportation from/to Prague incl.
10-11 November : ITALIAN COOKING course

- 2-days workshop in Pilsen by professional italian chef
- prepare & jenjoy traditional fresh pasta, grill, desserts
- Price: € 180 incl.2 nights B&B in double room & 3 meals
- Prague transfer on request
29 September 2012: Medieval "Bike´n´Beer"

- Historic show with duels of medieval nights & music
- Guided bicycle trip from Prague to Okor castle with visit to traditional brewery
- Price: Euro 20 including beer degustation
8 & 9 September 2012:
16 September 2012:
September 2012:
September 2012: AYURVEDIC massage course

- 2-days workshop to learn and practice yurvedic massage techniques by professional instructor Andrea Nilsen
- Location: Prague center
- Price: € 90
- Download full program.
September 2012: AYURVEDIC massage course

- 2-days workshop to learn and practice yurvedic massage techniques by professional instructor Andrea Nilsen
- Location: Prague center
- Price: € 90
- Download full program.
NEW ! 19-20 may 2012: ITALIAN COOKING

- 2-days workshop in Brno by professional italian chef
- prepare & jenjoy delicious fresh pasta, grill and desserts
- Price: € 160 incl.2 nights B&B in double room and 3 meals
- Transportation from/to Prague available on request
NEW ! 19-20 may 2012: ITALIAN COOKING![]()
NEW april 2012 : AUYRVEDIC massage course![]() |
NEW! 18 March 2012: PAINTBALL & OFF-ROAD

- Discover off-road driving with experienced trainers in ex-military area
- Forest & indoor paintball games
- Price: € 40 incl. tranport to/from Prague
7 January 2012: PAINTBALL IN ARMY BUNKERS![]()
8 January 2012: OFF-ROAD driving experience![]()
15 & 16 October: MASSAGE COURSE

- 2-days intensive course of ayurvedic massage by professional teachers
- Location: Prague, Plzen
- Price: Euro 100, transportation from/to Prague included

- 2 giorni di corso intensivo di massaggio ayurvedico, instruttori professionisti
- Luogo: Praga, Pilsen
- Prezzo: € 200, incluso pernottamento B&B
Offerta del mese: PRAGA Domenica 4 settembre:
Paintball: 1 giorno di competizioni e giochi nella foresta ed in ambiente urbano in area ex-militare. Visita opzionale alle fortezze ed i bunker ristrutturari della seconda guerra mondiale con pernottamento in B&B. contattaci per informazioni |
Questa settimana : AIRSHOW Sabato 3 Settembre:
CIAF INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW: visita alla maggiore manifestazione aerea nazionale con pattuglie acrobatiche, paracadutismo e rievocazioni storiche Please contact us for all information. |
Paintball Games: 1-day indoor and outdoor games in former army area. Optional visit to restored WW2 fortress and bunkers in the forest. Accomodation available. Please contact us for all information |

- Unique BEER BATH and SPA beauty treatment with visit to traditional breweries and historic spa towns
- Location: Chodova Plana and Marianske Lazne, 100 km from Prague
- Duration: 1 day, by minibus and (optional) electric bicycles from Prague
- Price: : Euro 160 per person
17 & 18 September: WINE FEST Asti (Italy)

- The best italin Wine Fest (Duja D`Or) , degustation and somellier workshops in medieval Asti, UNESCO heritage castles and BAROLO wineyards
- Duration: 4 days, by minibus and electric bicycles
- Price: : please contact us for quotation
WEEKLY OFFER : AIRSHOW Saturday 3 September:
CIAF INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW: day trip to the main international airshow in the Czech Republic to enjoy jet fighters show, aerobatic teams and parashooting. Please contact us for all information. |
Offera esclusiva: PRAGA Sabato 27 Agosto:
Praga - Dresdar: escursione sulle nuove biciclette elettriche alla scoperta della meravigliosa citta`di Dresda, lungo la pista ciclabile sul fiume Elba e le foreste collinari. contattaci per informazioni |
WEEKLY OFFER : PRAGUE Saturday 27 August:
PRAGUE TO DRESDEN: day trip on new electric bicycles to visit wonderful Dresden in Germany, along river cycle path. Return by train or minibus. Please contact us for all information. |

- Exciting trip by new electric bikes to traditional breweries and Karlstejn castle, along wonderful river cycle path
- Price: Euro 30, transportation from/to Prague included
WEEKLY OFFER : PRAGUE Saturday 27 August:
Electric Bike `n`Beer: day trip on new electric bicycles to visit Karlstejn castle and traditional breweries, along river cycle path. Return by train or minibus. Please contact us for all information. |
Questa settimana: PRAGA
Sab. 23 & Dom. 24 Luglio:
Corso di paracadutismo: 2 giorni di corso intensivo per lancio vincolato o free-fall in tandem con istruttori professionisti. Pernottamento in B&B
contattaci per informazioni
Corso di paracadutismo: 2 giorni di corso intensivo per lancio vincolato o free-fall in tandem con istruttori professionisti. Pernottamento in B&B
contattaci per informazioni
Sunday 28 August:
Paintball Games: 1-day indoor and outdoor games in former army area. Optional visit to restored WW2 fortress and bunkers in the forest.
Accomodation available.
Please contact us for all information
Paintball Games: 1-day indoor and outdoor games in former army area. Optional visit to restored WW2 fortress and bunkers in the forest.
Accomodation available.
Please contact us for all information